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Miller rabin algorithm

What is the Miller-Rabin Primality Test?

Miller-Rabin is a probabilistic algorithm used to determine whether a given number is prime. It's widely used in cryptographic applications because it's both fast and reliable, though it technically gives a probabilistic result rather than an absolute proof of primality.

Key Components:

   1. Number to test (n)
   2. Number of rounds (k)
   3. Random bases
   4. Decomposition n-1 = 2^s * d
   5. Witness loop testing

Core Process:

   1. Write n-1 as 2^s * d (d odd)
   2. Pick random base a
   3. Test sequence x = a^d, a^(2d), a^(4d)... mod n
   4. Check for specific patterns
   5. Repeat k times with different bases

Mathematical Steps:

   1. Express n-1 = 2^s * d
   2. For each round:
      • Choose random a (1 < a < n-1)
      • Calculate x = a^d mod n
      • If x = 1 or x = n-1, continue
      • Square x up to s-1 times
      • If no n-1 found, composite


Testing n = 221:
   1. 221-1 = 220 = 2^2 * 55
   2. s = 2, d = 55
   3. Choose base a = 174:
      • x₀ = 174^55 mod 221 = 47
      • x₁ = 47^2 mod 221 = 168
      • x₂ = 168^2 mod 221 = 1
   4. Number is composite

Video for explanation